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Welcome to the Dakota Mailing List Home Page! (est. Fall 1995) This page is (not surprisingly)
a part of the Dakota Mailing List, though it also contains other general info.
Any comments or suggestions would certainly
be appreciated! Please note that I cannot answer Dakota questions, as I
am really, really busy, and I probably wouldn't know the answer anyway. :-)
If you have questions you'd like
answered, I invite you to subscribe to the mailing list and ask the people
who really know what they're talking about. Its painless and free,
so why not take advantage of the resource? Enjoy!
- DML stuff: (General info, fundraising, etc.)
DML Financial Status
What is the DML? Why should I join?, etc.
DML Flyer (PDF Format)
DML History 101
DML Calendars
View Shopping Cart / Check Out
- Stuff to help you to interact with the DML:
DML Acronym List
DML Archives
DML Attachments (Attachments aren't allowed on the list, but you can download them here.)
DML Newsgroup (Read and post to the list using a Usenet newsreader.)
DML Web-News gateway
(Read and post to the list via the web. You need a password to log into this service; you can get one here)
DML Posting Etiquette
DML Statistics
DML WWW Gateway. (Subscribe, unsubscribe, suspend your subscription, etc.)
- Getting in touch with your fellow DML'ers:
DML Meet Reports
DML Member Profiles -
add your own profile
The DML Off Topic List (A seperate list where you can talk with fellow DMLers about off-topic stuff)
Upcoming DML Meets and Events (Meet your fellow DML'ers in person; always a great time!)
- General Dakota Stuff:
Calling Daimler-Chrysler for order status.
General Dakota Information.
Maintenence, Modifications, & Upgrades.
TSB's (Technical Service Bulletins; wayyyy out of date, unfortunately).
- Programs & calculators:
Tire and Wheel Calculator.
Trouble Codes.
VIN Decoder.
- Multimedia:
Click here for some related WWW Pages.
Sign The Guestbook -
View The Guestbook


Jon Steiger /