
Dakota Pictures


Welcome to the Dakota Pictures Page!

This section is mostly full of DML Members' trucks, but there are some other Dakota related pics in here as well. This section got too large for many people to load, so the pictures have been sorted alphabetically, with each letter of the alphabet getting its own page. Click on the letter in the frame above to jump to that particular page. If any of the letters in the above menu do not appear to be links, that means there are no pictures for that particular letter of the alphabet.

If you don't like frames, or if you want to see all the pics on one page, click here.

To have your Dak included in this archive, please e-mail it along with any info you'd like posted along with it to jon@dakota-truck.net (You can mail the pictures to me in uuencoded, mime, or binhex format. With most e-mail clients, you can just send them as an attachment.)
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Jon N. Steiger / jon@dakota-truck.net