Directions to DML HQ:
(N42° 30' 18", W79° 7' 41")

Google Map

How to get to 836 King Road, Forestville, NY 14062:

You can click on any map to bring up the full sized version. (You'll probably have to, in fact, the small ones are pretty much unreadable.) Each pic zooms in a bit more.

zoom level 5 zoom level 4 zoom level 3 zoom level 2 zoom level 1

I assume just about everyone will be coming via the NYS thruway. If you're not, and you'd like some help with the directions, let me know and I'll help you to get here if I can. :-)

Lodging Info

What most folks choose to do is to stay right on the property. There is plenty of room to set up tents and park RVs. There are also several couches in the shop building, and a few folks usually claim one of those for the night, or throw an air mattress and sleeping bag on the floor. There is a full bath (with shower) available 24hrs in the shop building.

If you would prefer an actual hotel to camping out in my back yard, here are some options:

You can reserve a room right on the internet at, but only one hotel in the area shows up for some reason. (Forestville isn't found by their search engine, but you can search for hotels near Fredonia, NY or Dunkirk, NY) If you reserve on-line, I think they give you a 10% discount.

Looking in the local phone book, here are a few more:

Comfort Inn: 716-672-4450 (this is the one at
Days Inn: 716-673-1351 (or 1-800-329-7466)
The Vineyard: 716-366-4400 (or 1-800-DUNKIRK)

If you want to go upscale, there is also the Four Points Hotel Sheraton: 366-8350

Except for the Sheraton, all of the hotels above are right off the thruway exit, within yards of each other. The Sheraton is on the shore of Lake Erie, maybe 5 miles north of the exit. If/when you make a reservation at any of the above, I'd be happy to let you know exactly where it is, how to get there, and how to get to my house from there. All of the above hotels are about 15 minutes away.

Another alternative is a bed and breakfast which is located less than 2 miles away. Although I don't know very much about it, from what I have seen, the rates are actually cheaper than the local hotels, and it is certainly closer! They have 3-4 rooms. For more information or to set up reservations, check out their web site at: