


(This log records every monetary transaction relating to the DML. Whenever money comes into or out of the "DML account", it is recorded here. The most commonly anticipated transactions are donations from members, and payments to the ISP.)

DateIn (Credit) Out (Debit) Balance Description
8/26/97 $150.00 --- $150.00 Donation #1
9/27/97 $25.00 --- $175.00 Donation #2
10/01/97 $5.00 --- $180.00 Donation #3
10/09/97 $15.00 --- $195.00 Donation #4
10/09/97 $5.00 --- $200.00 Donation #5
10/10/97 $15.00 --- $215.00 Donation #6
10/11/97 $10.00 --- $225.00 Donation #7
10/20/97 --- $44.80 $180.20 List startup & 3 months pre-payment to ISP
10/22/97 $10.00 --- $190.20 Donation #8
10/28/97 $10.00 --- $200.20 Donation #9
11/10/97 $10.00 --- $210.20 Donation #10
11/13/97 $10.00 --- $220.20 Donation #11
11/20/97 $10.00 --- $230.20 Donation #12
11/20/97 $30.00 --- $260.20 Donation #13
7/07/98 $20.00 --- $280.20 Donation #14
7/14/98 $15.00 --- $295.20 Donation #15
12/3/98 $25.00 --- $320.20 Donation #16
01/24/99 $20.00 --- $340.20 Donation #17
01/25/99 $13 --- $353.20 Donation #18
03/08/99 $25 --- $378.20 Donation #19
5/15/99 $46 --- $424.20 Donations #20-21 and decals
5/20/99 $171 --- $595.20 Donations #22-28 and decals
5/20/99 --- $266.85 $333.35 Decals (print shop), postage, mailer materials
6/03/99 $231 --- $564.35 Donation #29 and decals
6/09/99 $30 --- $594.35 Donation #30 and decals
6/15/99 $65 --- $659.35 Donations #31-32 and decals
6/22/99 $43 --- $702.35 Donation #33 and decals
8/20/99 $188 --- $890.35 Carlisle club funds, stickers, and donations #34-36
8/26/99 $50 --- $940.35 Decals
8/30/99 $10 --- $950.35 Decals
9/30/99 $50 --- $1000.35 Decals
10/6/99 $75 --- $1075.35 Decals and donations
10/10/99 $35 --- $1115.35 Decals
10/20/99 --- $122.67 $992.68 Decals, postage
10/21/99 $60 --- 1052.68 Decals and donation
10/23/99 $70 --- $1122.68 Decals and donations
10/29/99 $30 --- $1152.68 Decals and donations
11/4/99 --- $72 $1080.68 Decals
11/6/99 $15 --- $1095.68 Decals
11/16/99 $20 --- $1115.68 Decals and donation
1/5/00 $45 --- $1160.68 G-tech and donations
1/9/00 $10 --- $1170.68 G-tech
1/9/00 $10 --- $1180.68 Decals and donations
1/9/00 --- $1350.93 $-170.25 DML Calendars printing fee
1/9/00 --- $19.97 $-190.22 Calendar mailing and storage materials
1/12/00 $131 --- $-59.22 Donations and decals
1/20/00 $5 --- $-54.22 G-tech
1/20/00 --- $117 $-171.22 Balance of DML stickers
1/30/00 --- $22 $-193.22 Postage
2/1/00 $5 $9.99 $-198.21 Postage (out) Gtech (in)
2/8/00 $25 $3.20 $-176.41 Postage (out) Donation (in)
8/18/00 $1306.31 --- $1,129.90 Calendar receipts, Carlisle 2000, & donations

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Jon N. Steiger / jon@dakota-truck.net