Re: RE: Dak Grief

Date: Wed Oct 14 1998 - 05:07:18 EDT

In a message dated 10/13/98 8:01:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< replace with
 another Dak (*MY* choice!) or to replace with a van/minivan that seats
 at least six (*HER* choice). Since she's pregnant with number 4, she
 makes a *very* strong argument for the van approach. >>
well bud! She has a point. What other vehicles do you own? If you have a
car, buy a minivan, sell the car and then buy another Dak!! you should always
have a truck.
If you buy a Chrysler Minivan, make sure you get the long wheel base version,
like a Grand Caravan, dont get a regular wheel base, you wont be as satisfied

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