RE: Retractable Antenna

From: Wisotzkey, Rich (
Date: Thu Oct 08 1998 - 17:50:50 EDT

They will work on any receiver. As far as the remote lead is concerned,
just mount a separate switch on the power lead to the antenna. All you need
to do then is flip the switch when you want the antenna up and down.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Meyerhoff []
Sent: Monday, October 12, 1998 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: DML: Retractable Antenna

At 03:17 PM 10/8/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Has anyone ever gone about installing a retractable antenna on their Dak?
>noticed the Xenon Dakota had one and was wonder how hard this was to do and
>where I could get a kit from and how much it would cost...Thanks,
I've been thinking about this for a while. I think its as simple as
mounting the replacement / providing power from the battery / hooking up
the signal cable and remote turn on from the receiver. I don't think it's
possible using the stock receivers cause they (mine at least) don't have a
remote turn on lead.

I haven't done it so I don't know for sure what is involved but I don't
think its too hard of a project.
   // | | \\ Mike Meyerhoff
{ }|| | | ||{ }
   [=============] 92 Dakota SLE Club Cab
   |} D O D G E {| Magnum 3.9l V6 4X2 3.55
  [|=============|] K&N filter, cat-back duals/highflo cat
   [_] [_]

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