Re: Re: Is this someone from the DML??

Date: Tue Aug 21 2001 - 15:14:43 EDT

Will <> wrote:

:>Saw this on the this a DMLers Dak. Whew!

: Guess I'll be the first to don my SCBA and turnouts... (fire suit and air
: tank you guys that don't know firefighter terms : )

: That truck isn't TOO bad, it's done somewhat tasteful, plus, you gotta
: admit, that's a cool flame job....

  Hey, I'll join you in that trench. :-) I kinda like neon when its
done right. (I.e. so you just see the glow, not the bulbs, and when the
colors are complimentary to the vehicle and each other) I've got neon
in the footwells of my Dak that come on when the doors open or the
interior lights turn on; its a nice soft glow instead of the harsh
white light from a standard bulb...



.---- Jon Steiger ------ or -----. | I'm the: AOPA, DoD, EAA, NMA, NRA, SPA, USUA. Rec & UL Pilot - SEL | | '70 Barracuda, '92 Ram 4x4, '96 Dakota, '96 Intruder 1400, '96 FireFly | `----------------------------------------- ----'

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