Re: Driving Lights: Off Road?

From: Mr. Plow (
Date: Sat Aug 04 2001 - 11:36:04 EDT

Just don't use them in city traffic, more possibility of impairing someone's
sight. But i wouldn't worry about actually geting pulled over. There's
usually a law about the maximum wattage that the total number of lights on
your vehicle are producing, but it's kind of a hard thing to gage with just
human eyes.
What are the details of these lights? How powerful are they?

The Adam Blaster

>Hi Dak people!
>I bought some "Micro Halogen Driving Lights" at
>WallyWorld yesterday and was going to install them
>until I saw "FOR OFF ROAD USE ONLY". Why do they call
>they driving lights then?
>Anyway, my question to the DML is does anyone else
>have these and have they used them on the road, or
>know of the laws against them. I bought them b/c I
>thought they are similar to the regular round lights
>on the Gen III's. Is their a solution or am I just an
>idiot and I should take them back?
>Roger W. Lokay

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