Re: Spank that Chevy!

From: George S Willhite (
Date: Wed Dec 20 2000 - 19:20:28 EST

Uh huh....addictive isn't it. Get used to it. I had a monstrous
Z-71 pass me on the freeway, slow down till he was dead even
and gun it wanting to race. Jeez...I used to beat these in my V6
Dakota. Dropped it back into 4 th and before I could shift into
5th he was flashing his lights. He pulled up again, (from behind)
and turned on his inside lights and gave the thumbs up. ;)

GS -

Ok, I must admit that while reading some of the SPANK stories, I think, "how
juvenile". I won't be able to think that anymore. At lunchtime I was lined
beside a regular cab Chevy Z71. He was in the right lane that merged onto
highway some 100-200 yards away, I was in the left lane that went straight
continuing on the secondary road. The thought crossed my mind that he'd try
boot it in order to get in front of me before the exit, crossing a solid
line in
the process, but then I dismissed it. That is, I dismissed it right up until
heard that Chevy motor screaming for dear life beside me as we pulled away
the light. With thoughts of DML in my head and subject lines like "Spank,
Spank" running thru my brain, I floored the 5.2l when the 99's grille was
even with the Chevy's rear quarter. The Intense blue CC launched forward as
does from mid range RPMs on up and very respectably trounced the Chevy
him at the Dak's rear quarter at the lane merge. The Chevy driver waved from
new position *behind* the Dak. "The thrill of Victory, the agony of

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